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بلقيس سعد عبدالعزيز المفلح

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية طب الأسنان
GUC, Building 10, Ground floor

423 SDS- Clinical Removable Prosthodontics


This course is specially designed to
provide an opportunity for gaining better & finer knowledge and skill in
prosthodontic services in the diagnosis, treatment planning, special treatment
procedures and the insertion and post-insertion of partial, complete, immediate
and transitional temporary dentures. Included are relining and rebasing

This course has a didactic and a clinical
component and the course is spread over the entire academic year i.e.
1st & 2nd academic terms. The didactic (lecture) component is covered in 16
sessions during the 1st half of the academic year. The lectures cover the
theoretical background and the different modalities in prosthodontics. During
the entire academic year there will be a weekly three-hour clinical session,
with assistance from the college central dental laboratory.