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Abdulrahman Yousef Al-Aali, PhD


Chair, Council of Graduate Business Programs & Director, PhD in Business Program

كلية إدارة الأعمال
Building 67, Office: S-001

MGT 630: Current Issues in Management (PhD)

Catalog Description
MGT 630 - Current Issues in Management  3 (3+0)
The main objective of this course is to discuss, analyze, and critique current management issues and problems, and to review emerging management literature and studies. The course gives special attention to human resources management, operations management, competitive strategies, and other topics not covered in other courses. Topics may vary from semester to semester according to the issues of importance at the time and according to the instructor.
Course Rationale:
This doctoral seminar is designed in order to expose you to current research issues and perspectives related to the management field that are not discussed in other doctoral seminars in management.  Current Issues in Management will provide you with a general overview of trends in the literature and of the latest research issues on international management theories and research, strategic operations management, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance.
Course Objectives:

Current Issues in Management aims to expose you to:

  • Current research issues in management
  • Key literature trends in the field
  • Leading edge advances on research on the topic

This doctoral seminar will provide an overview of the management literature. The seminar is structured around four topics:

  1. International business theories and research
  2. Advanced operations management
  3. Corporate social responsibility
  4. Corporate governance
    Further, you will learn how to conduct a research study under two of these tracks (Track 1 and 2 above).

Conduct of the Course

The course will be conducted as a seminar.  Each student is expected to participate in every class. Guest speakers will be invited to specific readings/topics.  In all your assignments, always use the following format:  Size A4, 1 inch margin on all sides, Times Roman font size 12, single spaced, block writing (means a new paragraph starts from extreme left, no indent). Use APA writing style, especially for citation and referencing.  Always reference/document what you write.  Never use un-authenticated sources such as Wikipedia. Always use the following email for my assignments:  Other professors’ assignments are to be sent to him directly with cc to me.

Reading Assignment:

It is expected that students are prepared for discussion of the articles in the reading list. Each student will read all assigned reading materials before the class on which they are due.
Depending on the interest and knowledge levels of students in the class, modification to the reading list could be made.  Additional reading materials may be added and/or the sequence of the coverage of the topics may be altered.

Final Research Papers:

Each participant is responsible for the development of a comprehensive and original research paper on two selected topic in consultation with the Professors.  The overall purpose of these research papers is to provide you with an opportunity to investigate and understand contemporary management research areas.   The selected topic must be compatible with the learning objectives of the course.  It is expected that the selected topic will complement your long-term career plans, prior academic studies and related research interests.

It is important that a preliminary search of literature be undertaken before making a final decision of the topic.  You should make an appointment with the Professors for approval of the topic and suggestions for development of the paper.  Your papers must conform to high academic integrity and research standards, present material in an organized format, and meet expectations of potential journal publications.

It is NOT possible to complete this paper by writing a research paper on a narrow topic about which no/ limited literature exists.  Most research papers are expected to range from approximately 15-20 pages (no more than 6000 words). Papers should be type-written in a standard academic publications format.  Each student is also expected to make a formal presentation of his/her papers.  The paper should include the following topical areas:


  • Identification of key research issues.
  • Development of research questions and problem statements.

Theoretical Framework and Research Model

  • Review of the relevant literature.
  • Identify all relevant theory, theoretical models, and constructs in the literature.
  • Develop a proposed theoretical model and define key constructs.


  • Develop and list the research hypotheses and provide the rationale for each hypothesis.


  • Overview of the research design of the proposed study.
  • Data collection method and source of data.
  • Operationalization of the key constructs, measurement instruments developed to meet the purpose of the study, and validity and reliability of the questionnaire items.
  • Description of sampling plan, unit of analysis, and the source of information for selecting the sample.
  • Anticipated analyses and their justification for providing the intended outcome of the study (optional).


  • Expected theoretical contribution and managerial implication.

Tables and Figure

  • Reference list.


  • Measurement instrument (questionnaire).
    There will be some flexibility in the organization and format of the papers, but students are expected to follow logical and accepted format of the paper (e.g., Academy of Management Journal: Style Guide For Authors).  The objective of the two seminar papers is to help you write a conceptual paper that can be published in a journal or conference proceedings.


The grade will be determined on the basis of (1) quality of the student's participation (30%), (2) and seminar papers and presentation (40%).

Seminar Research Proposals

  • Formal Proposal Presentations (20%)
  • Final Research Papers (50%)
    70 Percent
Participation     30 Percent
Total    100 Percent

The following grading scheme will be used for this course.

A+ :  95 - 100% B+  :  85 - 89 C+  :  75 - 79 D  :  60 - 69
A   :  90 – 94 B    :  84 - 80 C    :  74 – 70 F   :  0 – 59


course attachements