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عبدالحكيم عبدالرحمن حسن بن معمر


معيد وأخصائي علاج اضطرابات التخاطب والبلع

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبنى 24 - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم 2151-2

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The course covers normal language development milestones, and introduce students to language disorders and treatments modalitities accross life span. In addition, it relates language disorders to…


The course describes augmentative and alternative communication systems used by individuals with moderate to severe speech and writing disabilities (develomental and aquired). The course covers…


COURSE DESCRIPTION:   Study for the nature of different types of speech disorders in children and adults.  Also, to show the basic theories, assessment procedures,…