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عبدالعزيز عبدالله الخريف


وكيل الكلية لشؤون التعليم الأكلينيكي والتدريب

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبني 24، الدور الثانى ،كرسى ابحاث المواد الحيوية السنية

Fixed Prosthodontics III

Course Description

This theory and laboratory course expands upon information and techniques into the study and fabrication of multiple unit restorations and will enhance the student’s ability to fabrication of multiple unit ceramo-metal restorations Included is the introduction to dental ceramics including characteristics and composition of porcelain, implant supported fixed restorations, semi-precision attachments and all ceramic/porcelain/composite bridge.

Course Objective

1.      Apply laboratory procedures and guidelines related to the use and maintenance of lab equipment and instruments used in this course
2.      Recall knowledge of dental materials used for fabricating fixed prostheses in semesters one and two
3.      Identify the properties of the various materials used for non metal fixed restorations.
4.      Compare the materials used for non metal fixed restorations related to their indications and contraindications for use and their advantages and disadvantages.
5.      Identify the component parts of the prescription that is required for fabricating multiple unit fixed restorations and fabricate multiple unit fixed restorations according to this prescription..
6.      Fabricate cantilever bridges including principles relating to their fabrication
7.      Fabricate precision attachments including principles relating to their fabrication.
8.      Fabricate Maryland bridges including principles relating to their fabrication
9.      Identify alternate techniques used during the fabrication of metal and ceramo/metal restorations
10.  Recall principles of occlusion and articulation as they relate to fixed restorations
11.  Identify the principles of occlusion and articulation as they relate to the fabrication of ceramo/metal restorations.
12.  Identify design requirements of occlusal porcelain
13.  Describe the distribution of occlusal loads on ceramo/metal restorations.
14.  Identify principles and techniques relating to the fabrication of multiple unit ceramo/metal restorations.
15.  Practice principles and techniques for waxing ceramo/metal frameworks of multiple unit restorations.
16.  Identify modifications to single unit ceramo/metal restoration techniques for the processing and finishing of multiple unit ceramo/metal restorations.
17.  Identify further esthetic techniques for ceramo/metal restorations
18.  Identify esthetic techniques related to non metal restorations, including porcelain, ceramics, and composite.
19.  Describe implant supported fixed restorations, including principles relating to their fabrication.
20.  Identify Osseo-integration and implant systems and techniques, including principles relating to the fabrication of implant supported fixed restorations.
21.  Describe implant abutment heads appropriate for single or multiple unit fixed metal or ceramo/metal restorations.
22.  Describe modifications to fixed prosthodontic procedures that are required for the fabrication of implant supported fixed restorations/prostheses.
23.  Determine the esthetics, form and function of ceramo/metal restorations, including the application of concepts relating to the science of light and colour.
24.  Discuss problems with bonding and fusion during the fabrication of ceramo/metal restorations 

course attachements