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محاضر بقسم علوم صحة المجتمع - تغذية اكلينيكية- كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
مبنى 11 الدور الثالث مكتب 209
ملحق المادة الدراسية

Enteral Nutrition Handbook

المقرر الدراسي


The A.S.P.E.N. Enteral Nutrition Handbook is a comprehensive resource on how to safely, effectively, and confidently care for patients receiving enteral nutrition. The clinician will find everything needed for positive patient outcomes, including step-by-step techniques based on the most current research and a wide variety of practical tools to save time and boost quality of care. The Handbook’s best practices format, multidisciplinary perspective, and training expertise offers something for everyone from novice to the advanced practitioner.