تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Nasser D. Alqahtani

Associate Professor

Orthodontic Consultant an Associate Professor at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Dept.

كلية طب الأسنان
2nd floor, building 23
ملحق المادة الدراسية

Examination Sample

المقرر الدراسي


1.         Class II division 2 incisor relationship is characterized by: 

a.                   Upper centrals are retroclined.

b.                  Overbite is usually minimal.

c.                   Upper controls are proclined.

d.                  Overjet is usually minimal. 

1.         a, b and c

2.         a, b and d

3.            a, c and d

4.            b, c and d

5.         All of the above 

2.       In class II division 2 the mandibular growth pattern is characterized by typically forward rotational pattern.  This results in increasing the lower anterior facial height: 

a.         First statement is true, second statement is false.

b.        First statement is false, second statement is true.

c.        Both statements are true.

d.       Both statements are false. 

3.      The retorclination of the upper central incisors in class II division 2 is the result of: 

a.        Reduced lower facial height that is associated with forward rotational pattern of mandibular growth.

b.         The none existence of incisal cingulum stop between upper and lower centrals.

c.          The presence of high lower lip line.

d.         The presence of shorter crown length of upper lateral incisors. 

1.         a, b and c

2.         a, b and d

3.         a, c and d

4.         b, c and d

5.         All of the above 

4.       The inter-incisal angle in class II division 2 malocclusion can be reduced in a number of ways:           

a.         Proclination of the lower labial segment.

b.         Proclination of the upper labial segment followed by overjet reduction.

c.         Torquing the incisor roots palatally or lingually.

d.        Intrusion or extrusion of molars. 

1.         a, b and c

2.         a, b and d

3.         a, c and d

4.         b, c and d

5.         All of the above 

5.     Correction of the deep incisor overbite can be accomplished by: 

a.                   Intrusion of incisors

b.                  Proclination of lower incisors

c.                   The use of anterior bite plane.

d.                  Intrusion of molar 

1.         a, b and c

2.         a, b and d

3.         a, c and d

4.         b, c and d

5.         All of the above


6.       Severe cases of class II division 2 malocclusion are those cases with unfavourable skeletal pattern antero-posteriorly and/or vertically, particularly if growth is complete. 

            a.         True                                        b.         False


7.      The British standards incisor classification, defines class II  division 1 as: 

a.         The lower incisor edges lie posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors, decreased overjet and retroclined upper laterals.

b.         The lower incisor edges lie posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors, decreased over jet, as proclined upper central incisors.

c.         The lower incisor edges lie posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors, increased over jet and proclined upper central incisors. 

8.       The habit of “persistent digit sucking” most likely will cause: 

a.                   proclination of the upper incisors

b.                  retroclination of the lower incisors

c.                   complete over bite or deep bite

d.                  narrowing of the upper arch 

1.                  a, b and c

2.                  a, b and d

3.                  a, c and d

4.                  b, c and d

5.                  all of the above

6.                  none of the above