تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Nasser Abdulrahman Aldaghri | ناصر بن عبدالرحمن الداغري

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية الهندسة
College of Engineering - Department of Electrical Engineering - 2C32
مادة دراسية

EE482: Communication Networks

EE 482 - Communication Networks

Introduction to communications networks; Circuit switching and packet switching; Computer networks protocols: OSI layers; Traffic flow control: Reliable data transfer; Medium access control methods; Local area networks (LANs): Ethernet and Wi-Fi; Routing algorithms; IP addressing; Overview of several protocols used in the Internet; TCP and UDP; Discussion of recent development in the subject.


Textbook: Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, Latest Edition McGraw Hill.

Pre-requisite: EE320


Grading Policy:

The grading is as shown below:
5 marks: Attendance.
28 marks: Homework, projects, labs.
30 marks: Midterm exam.
40 marks: Final exam.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية