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غسان بن عبد المجيد الفلاح

Associate Professor

أستاذ العمارة وإدارة الأصول والمرافق المساعد

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مقال فى مجلة

Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete beams with corroded web reinforcement: Experimental and theoretical study

Alfalah, Ghasan . 2020

This study investigated the effect of corroded web reinforcement on the shear behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) beams. In this study, nine shear-critical RC beams were cast and tested. Six of these beams were corroded stirrups, while the remaining three beams were uncorroded stirrups serving as control samples. An accelerated corrosion technique was employed to corrode the stirrups in the beams. After the accelerated corrosion process, the beams were tested in three-point bending over a simply supported span. The shear span-to-depth ratio was kept constant at 3 for all beam specimens. The effects of the corrosion level, the type of steel stirrups (smooth or deformed), and the stirrup diameter were considered in the tests. The corrosion damage could easily be observed in the form of rust stains and corrosion cracks, which developed parallel to the stirrups. The beams with higher corrosion levels showed a reduction in their shear capacities. This reduction was more apparent in the beams with deformed steel stirrups. The shear capacities of the test beams were analyzed using a theoretical model that considers the effects of corrosion of the stirrups. The results of the analysis showed a good correlation between the experimental and theoretical shear strengths of the beam specimens.

نوع عمل المنشور
Journal Paper
رقم المجلد
Journal of Building Engineering
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