تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Abir Abdullah Alamro

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

كلية العلوم
Building 5, 3rd floor, Room 198

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

المزيد ...

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


To provide the pathways of intermediary and secondary metabolism. Regulation of these pathways. Relation between human diseases and metabolic pathways. Role of nutrition in the prevention and…


Introduce the techniques required in a biochemical laboratory; provide the student with a degree of competency in biochemistry; Provide the student with the skills necessary to analyze chemicals…


Main objective of this course is to study elements of nutrition – Macro nutrients, micronutrients with special emphasis on biochemical fundamentals of nutrition. The course aims to study the…

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 09:00 AM 09:00 AM 09:00 AM _ 12:00 PM _
الى _ 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM _ 02:00 PM _
الموقع _ Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 _ Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 Building 5, 3rd floor, office 198 _