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عبدالله بن حسين ناصر العساف

أستاذ مشارك

مادة دراسية

315 غذت

"Course Description"

Instructor: Dr. Abdullah Al-Assaf

E-mail : alassaf @ ksu.edu.sa

Phone : 4677080




The course is designed to furnish students with the scientific background of nutrition via learning metabolism of macronutrients and micronutrients, there main function and interaction.

Main learning outcomes:

1- Understanding the metabolism and function of macronutrients

2- Understanding the metabolism and function of micronutrients

3- To know how energy formed and stored in the human body

4- To know interaction between nutrients

Text book: Groff, J.L.; Gropper, S.S.; Hust, S.M. Advanced Nutrition and Human



15% fist exam

15% 2'nd exam

15% quizes

15% assignments

40% final exam



ملحقات المادة الدراسية